Blue Roof

Exhibition in Mirbach Palace

Milota Havránková is one of the foremost personalities in the history of Slovak photography from the post-war period until the present. Almost a symbolic figure, she represents the nature and role of photography in the late 20th century. Her work is characterised by diverse technological, formal, and ideological approaches, as well as by a broad range of artistic disciplines, from design, fashion, book illustration, and monumental photography, to architecture, staged and fine art photography, and experimental film.
The exhibition Blue Roof presents a concept based on the artist's personal history, embedded in her alternative second home, a cottage in the village of Sedmák in central Slovakia. In collaboration with the architectural input of Czech architect and visual artist Richard Loskot, this original old house with its blue roof becomes a metaphor for the key creative lines of her work. The cottage was a free space, hosting many creative and inspiring meetings with students and people close to her. In a sense, the blue roof is a retro-active referent to which all important thematic pillars of the artist's work relate. The exhibition presents them in their mutual, but not strictly chronological, contexts such that their fusion points primarily to the constant timelessness of Milota Havránková's work.

Blue Roof

Vernisáž výstavy, 19. 6., 6 pm
Mirbachov palác, Františkánske nám. 11
Author: Milota Havránková
Curator: Anna Vartecká
Architectural concept: Richard Loskot
Graphic design: Lucia Židek Gamanová
Production: Sarah Hubinská, Bibira Milota Marková, Anna Sopková
Translation: Beata Bradford
Proofreading: Miroslava Kuracinová Valová
Editorial provision: Alexandra Grúňová
Promotion: Aurélia Garová, Anna Jablonowska-Holy, Zuzana Novotná, Slávka Zodlová
Courses and events: Dagmar Beníčková, Ludmila Hrachovinová, Vendy Kováčová, Vladislav Malast
Installation: Vapreal, s.r.o., Jaroslav Beníček, Jozef Chovančák, Ivan Maťuš, Juraj Mráz
Film projection: Room 1 – The stills used from the upcoming film Milota are provided by the producer of the film – the production company Furia Film. Room 6 – The film Full Time (1980) was created in cooperation with the Tagore musical group, singer – Peter Breza.
All exhibited artworks belong to the private property of the author.


Galéria mesta Bratislavy a Nadácia Miloty Havránkovej


Fond na podporu umenia, Bratislava - hlavné mesto SR, Nadácia Tatra banky, Nadácia TA3, Natuvion. Výstava vznikla vďaka finančnej podpore Fondu na podporu umenia.
Exhibition project supported by public funding from the Slovak Arts Council.

