
Július Schubert. Last Chairman of the Bratislava Art Society

Exhibition in Mirbach palace

The exhibition presents an overview of the work of Bratislava native Július Schubert (*1888 Bratislava–†1947 Bratislava), last chairman of the Bratislava Art Society (BAS), set within the context of the Bratislava art scene. In addition to the artist's work and the results of recent research, the curatorial concept portrays a complex image of artistic life within the urban environment.

Never Ground

Pripravujeme v Pálffyho paláci

Natália Trejbalová presents Never Ground, a new site-specific video installation and set of objects, in the basement of Pálffy Palace. This work belongs to a series of videos that Trejbalová has been creating since 2020, the central theme of which is the perception of our planet as a physical entity in constant evolution and transformation.

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Permanent Exhibitions

Gothic Panel Painting and Plastic Art

Permanent exhibition in Pálffy Palace

The exhibition was originally designed by curator Želmíra Grajciarová. It opened in 1998 on the first floor of Pálffy Palace following complete reconstruction of the building and its subsequent opening to the public under management of the Bratislava City Gallery.

Central European Baroque Painting and Sculpture

Permanent exhibition in Mirbach Palace

The works from the Bratislava City Gallery´s collection included in the permanent exposition represent the Central European art of the eighteenth century. Selected paintings and sculptures provide a comprehensive overview of art production in Bratislava in the Baroque period, put in a broader, Central European context.

English Tapestries

Permanent exhibition in the Primate's Palace

The Primate's Palace, one of the most beautiful classicist buildings in Bratislava, was built in 1778 by Archbishop Cardinal Jozef Batthyány in accordance with the project of architect Melchior Hefele. The palace and its famous Hall of Mirrors have been the scene of many important historical events: in 1805, the Treaty of Pressburg between the Austrian and French armies was signed there; and the Hungarian Parliament, although it convened in the building of today's University Library, used to be opened there.

Picture Gallery

The Primatial Palace

The Archbishop's Winter Palace, in its current classicist form known as the Primatial Palace, was built by Archbishop Jozef Batthyány (1727–1799). It was completed in 1781 and belonged to Hungarian Primates until 1903, when church leaders sold it to the town. The Primatial Palace is closely connected with the history of Bratislava City Gallery, which was located there until 1975 and regularly held temporary exhibitions in the current Justi Hall on its ground floor. Prior to reconstruction of the building in 1986, the city's art collections were installed in various arrangements, mainly within state rooms on the first floor.

The Virgin Mary as Queen of Angels

Permanent exhibition in Chapel of St. John the Evangelist

The painting was administratively transferred from the Municipal Museum in Bratislava to the GMB Collection in 1965. It is classified under inventory number A2470. An original assumption that it had continuously formed part of the interior of the Clarissine Church in Bratislava since dissolution of the monastery of the same name in 1782 proved incorrect.

Graphics Cabinets

Permanent exhibition in Mirbach Palace

The Graphics Cabinets form the interior decoration in two rooms on the first floor of Mirbach Palace, having probably been commissioned by one of the original owners of the building. They are exceptional not only for their rococo stucco decorated ceilings, but also for wooden panelling into which are embedded 290 graphic sheets, engravings, etchings and mezzotints from the second half of the 17th and 18th centuries that have been secondarily coloured by unknown authors.

BIATEC. Celtic Mint

Permanent exhibition in Pálffy Palace

New permanent exhibition BIATEC. Celtic Mint, prepared by the Municipal Monument Preservation Institute Bratislava (MÚOP) in cooperation with Bratislava City Gallery (GMB), presents cultural heritage through visual stories. Combining architectural design of a relatively small space with modern digital technologies brings rich content to the audience through interactive processing.

Anetta Mona Chiça, Lucia Tkáčová: Totems

Intervention in Palffy's Palace

The installation Totems comprises a series of five unique sculptures made of burnt books on concrete bases. Individual book titles are not recognisable, however, as in the process of burning they merged into a complete sculptural work that reflect wellknown geometric forms, for example Brancusi’s pedestal sculptures, and in terms of content is connected with social utopias in the tradition of artistic avant-gardes of futurism or constructivism. Authors who systematically analyse regimes of patriarchally constructed female representation work with books as symbols of literacy, a purportedly masculine and unquestionable sign of progress. From the books, which form majestic objects in a new vertical arrangement and suggest the fragility of burning, they created irrational, difficult to verbalise, totemic figures of the language of the sculptural work.

František Demeter: You are my surroundings now

Intervention in Palffy's Palace

As part of their emancipatory efforts, period neo-avant-gardes of the 1960s and 1970s experimented with breaking the boundaries of the surface or expanding the classical painting medium into intermedia environments in order to free themselves from the formal demands placed on traditional formats.



Information on all exhibitions held at the Bratislava City Gallery since 2006.

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