Employment Opportunities

We are delighted that you are considering working with GMB. The gallery employs across a wide range of professions, from curators, conservators, and cataloguers to economists, fundraisers, front-of-house staff, and education, marketing and events specialists.
Our visitors come from varied backgrounds, and we believe that diversity of employees is essential in making the gallery an inclusive institution. We value and support our employees and offer them opportunities for further education. We believe that everyone who works with the gallery should be treated with respect.
Our values and working environment are guided by the following attributes:
  • Professionality
  • Teamwork
  • Efficiency
  • Integrity
  • Courage
All employees work in Mirbach Palace and Pálffy Palace, both of which are located in the historical centre of Bratislava. Flexible working hours are often possible as the gallery continually seeks ways to improve the quality of its working environment.

Current Vacancies

Sorry, we do not currently have any vacancies.

Application Process

Only selected candidates will be invited to a personal meeting.
We usually receive tens of applications for each of our positions. Based on application documents, we will select the most suitable candidates and arrange with them the next steps, including participation in a personal job interview.
Your application should include:
  • The job title for which you are applying
  • Structured CV
  • Your written consent to processing the personal data that you provide.
You can send the application by e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line "Employment application" or bring it in a sealed envelope to the Bratislava City Gallery, Mirbach Palace, Františkánske nám. 11. On the envelope, please write: Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Personálne oddelenie
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Miroslava Sovová
Personnel Manager, Payroll Accountant
[email protected]