We Stand Together!

GMB joins the Culture Strike!

Published 04/09/2024
48 employees of the Bratislava City Gallery joined the first phase of the Cultural Strike!

We Stand Together!

Today, September 5, 2024, the Gallery of the City of Bratislava has entered a state of strike alert as part of the Cultural Strike! Several cultural institutions, including 48 employees of GMB, have initiated the first phase of the cultural strike.
What is the Cultural Strike? The Cultural Strike is a coordinated movement of the cultural scene in Slovakia aimed at stopping the devastating interventions by the leadership of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic in culture at all levels. The Cultural Strike demands competent and professional management of the sector that respects the freedom, rights, and expertise of people working in the field, and contributes to improving the conditions for the emergence and functioning of culture in Slovakia.
For more information about the strike and how you can get involved, visit:: kulturnystrajk.sk