Vernissage of the exhibition Blue Roof

19/06 / 6:00 pm

We cordially invite you to the long-awaited opening of the "Blue Roof" exhibition, which will take place on June 19 in the Mirbach Palace.
Milota Havránková, one of the most prominent personalities of Slovak post-war photography, will present her diverse work, which includes design, fashion, book illustrations, monumental photographs, staged and artistic photography, and experimental film.
The exhibition Blue Roof is based on the author's personal history and her cottage in the village of Sedmák in central Slovakia. This house with a blue roof, in collaboration with the architect and visual artist Richard Loskot, symbolizes the critical lines of her work. The cottage was a place of creative meetings and became a reference point for the thematic pillars of her works. The exhibition will present these pillars in mutual, but not chronological, contexts, emphasizing the timelessness of Milota Havránková's work.

Blue roof

Exhibition opening, June 19 at 6 pm
Mirbach Palace, Františkánske nám. 11
Author: Milota Havránková
Curator: Anna Vartecka
Graphic design: Lucia Gamanová
Exhibition architecture: Richard Loskot


Bratislava City Gallery and Milota Havránková Foundation


FPU, Bratislava - the capital of SR, Tatra Bank Foundation, TA3 Foundation, Natuvion. The exhibition was created thanks to the financial support of the Art Support Fund.